"The women of your big, vast, young country, I confess, disappoint me...they are less chic, they are tactless, they are ignorant...I understand that some American women make the proposal of marriage. That I do not doubt after watching them make themselves 'agreeable' to a man at dinner. I am not surprised that American men do not make love well. The women save them the trouble."
This 1910 magazine article rambles on in this vein for two columns and provides the reader nothing but nasty, vile insulting remarks regarding the character and appearance of American women. The article lays bare the low opinions conceived by an assortment of well-traveled, high-born, hot-headed-Hindus from way-down-East-India-way. AND the abuse of American women and their free press wasn't enough for them; they had to drag American men into their tirade as well.