Post-war investigators employed by the Nuremburg court uncovered that as many as 110 American Jews had been segregated from their fellow POWs and transferred to one of the many Nazi death camps (most often Buchenwald). The corpse of one of these men was found at the Nazi concentration camp in Ohrdruf, Germany.
"There were 31 bodies piled in one place and more than that tumbled together on top of each other in a nearby shack -65 in all. Some of the bodies were clothed in rags and some were completely naked. One body was that of an American soldier. Blood had caked the ground around the bodies into pancakes of red mud."
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Click here to read about the inmate rebellions that took place at Auschwitz, Sobibor and Triblinka.
Click here to read more about W.W. II prisoners of war...
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