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"[If not for the Allied air forces] Rommel might have reached his objectives - Alexandria, Cairo and Suez - had he not been able to plow through to the Nile Delta where he could resume his favorite kind of military football. He might have reached the flat, broad, green cool plains of the Delta had he been able to bring up water, food, fuel and reinforcements in men and weapons. It was precisely that which air power prevented..."

Click here to read more about the campaigns in North Africa during the Second World War.


Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

Allied Air Power Succeeded (Collier's Magazine, 1942)

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