Given the wartime censorship rules that were in place at the time, this article should never have been printed in an American magazine; the writer, Soviet defector Alexander Barmine (1899 - 1987) sought to undermine the alliance between the United States and Stalin's Russia. Although that didn't happen, the article was seen by the right people; the page was bent and the magazine set aside. When the war ended the issues addressed in the article were put on the front burner. Barmine's article announced the infiltration of Soviet agents within numerous American institutions - the Federal Government among them:
"The [Roosevelt administration... consciously or unconsciously protects in numberless ways the success of the [Communist] conspiracy... Communists are worming into government agencies in growing numbers."
When the Cold War began in earnest and the hunt was on for moles within the government, Barmine's article was read again. It was referenced in this 1953 article...