"Completed in 1939, the Adlerhorst was once a subterranean city, with accomodations for 3,000 persons in the labyrinth so deep underground no bomb could penetrate... The Fuhrer went to the Adlerhorst last December [1945] leaving it for the last time January 6. My guide last saw him New Year's afternoon. Hitler's shoulders were bent. His left arm and left side appeared slightly stiffened. His hair was gray. He walked slowly. When he gestured with his hand there was a noticeable lack of vigor in the motion... On March 9 Kesserling arrived at the Adlerhorst in full command of the West. On March 12 Rundstedt departed. On March 19 the bombing in which Kesserling was wounded occured. On March 20 came orders from Hitler: Destroy the Adlerhorst."