On the right is first-person account of the daily grind within an M3 Stuart Tank fighting in Tunisia. It was written by Staff Sergeant Charles Vonder Embse (1918 - 1996) who commanded the tank and named it after his hometown in Ohio, Kalida.
"The two-way radio is a wonderful thing for handling tanks in battle, but it has its dangers. The enemy miles away, is listening... One day we were moving forward, I heard a captain say, 'Watch it, Shaffer. Watch out for the German tank up that road.' A minute later I heard a voice with just the faintest German accent: 'Okay, Schaffer. It's all right now. All clear. You can come on down the road.' Shaffer wasn't sucked in, but it gives you a funny feeling."
Click here to read about the training of Stuart tank gunners.
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