Penned by a scribe who in years to come would write a good deal more about propaganda films, this article is amusing for the way it reported the total lack of humor and curiosity that Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels (1897 – 1945) brought to the subject of film production; how they totally killed the existing German film industry and made film criticism illegal. Especially hilarious was the description of the reaction of a Nazi as he watched a (non-Aryan) Marx brother's comedy.
"He was told that there was no doubt [that the Marx Brothers] were Jews. For the next 20 minutes he kept a straight face. Then he started to chuckle again."
"There is no such thing as entertainment value in the Goebbels rating of German films. Awards are given for political before artistic or cultural value; criticism is forbidden by law; laughing in the dark is a crime. Four-fifths of the film production industry is directly controlled by the Minister of Propaganda."
Read an article about the banning of all foreign artists in Hitler's Germany...
Click here to read about the contempt that the Nazis had for Modern Art.
CLICK HERE to read about the beautiful "Blonde Battalions" who spied for the Nazis...
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