Although much of what Dr. Alfred Kinsey wrote concerning male sex patterns has been debunked in our own age, his conclusions were taken quite seriously at the time his findings appeared in print. The first page is a summary and review regarding his studies that were published in his 1948 book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948). The second page is a summation of the research he published in his second book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1954).
As the image above makes clear, Kinsey and his book were immediately swept up as subjects of ridicule within the pop culture of the time. His book was referred to in movies, magazines, Broadway musicals and night club acts. Talking about sex in mixed company slowly became acceptable after these books appeared and as a result the general formality with which people conducted their affairs generally began to slip as well. Playboy Magazine (and its imitators) appeared on newsstands in the Fall of 1953, Peyton Place in 1956. Over time, the relaxing of social mores led to a belief that self-restraint was overrated. With this shift in societal thinking it can be argued that a straight line can be drawn from Kinsey's books directly to the election of the two most licentious American Presidents half-a-century later - America had become a nation that was forgiving of impulsive behavior (in men).
More on this new acceptance can be read here...
From Amazon:
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female and Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Two Volume Set