It is widely recognized that Hollywood film producers have long known that "In the beginning, there was the word, and the word was Box-Office, and the word was good." Each generation of producers learn anew that Jesus Christ is, in the lingo of Beverly Hills, Boffo Box Office (keeping in mind that the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ grossed $370 million). The attached magazine article is a review of one of the first movies to tell the story of Jesus (All told, there have been 152 movies about Jesus), The King of Kings
, which was directed by one of Hollywood's earliest prophets: Cecil B. DE Mille (1881 – 1959). The film was genuinely adored in all circles; one critic ranted:
"Cecil B. DE Mille's reward for King of Kings will be in heaven..."
Christian radio broadcasting began in the mid-Twenties...
Click here to read about the 1922 discovery of King Tut's tomb.