That vital roll played by Colonel House in the administration of Woodrow Wilson was the same part played by Harry Hopkins (1890 – 1946) in the White House of President Franklin Roosevelt - he was the trusted confident and close adviser of the President.
As this article makes clear, Hopkins wore many hats during the New Deal, and in the same manner that Karl Rove or Rahm Emanuel would be gazed upon suspiciously for always having access to their president's ears. Hopkins, too, was slandered as a "Machiavellian" - working the machinations behind the curtain.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, it was discovered that Hopkins was a spy; he was known to his handlers simply as "Agent 14" - his treachery is discussed in these two books from Amazon:

Read about the time FDR threatened to have Hopkins arrested...
Read a 1951 profile of a future First Lady: the young Nancy Reagan.
Click here to read about another member of the "New Deal Brain-Trust"...
Click here to read about President Harry Truman...