This magazine article is composed of the remarks made by General William Tecumseh Sherman (1820 - 1891) to Colonel Samuel M. Bowman, concerning the book Bowman was assembling, entitled Sherman and His Campaigns
. The General recalled his thoughts on such matters as the causes of the Civil War, the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the struggle for Kentucky, the use of the railways in war, the Great March, the political talents of President George Washington, and his days at the Louisiana Military Academy. General Sherman wrote of his correspondences with General John Bell Hood, the surrender of General Joseph Jonnston, as well as his memories of Generals Halleck and U.S. Grant. He also dipped his nib in the ink to muse about the Union loss at Bull Run as well as their victories at Vicksburg and Shiloh.
More about the American Civil War can be read here
To read a short article about the most pathetic generals of the Civil War, click here.
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