"No one who saw the charnel house of Nordhausen ever will be able to forget the details of that horrible scene. As you approached the badly bombed barracks you could hear low moans and pitiful cries, and the incredible stench from the place increased step by step. Here, 200 slave-worker prisoners had been placed alongside a railway where the American Air Forces could bomb them, and thus complete the cold, scientific job of slow starvation the SS had been doing... 'The factory made V-1 and V2 [rockets].'"
More on this topic can be read here
The man primarily responsible for delivering the innocent into the ovens of the death camps was Obergrupenfuehrer Albert Ganzenmüller click here to read about him...
Click here to read about the inmate rebellions that took place at Auschwitz, Sobibor and Triblinka.
Click here to read about the malnourishment and starvation of Allied prisoners of war...
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