This is a three page article from a post-war U.S. Army magazine published in the Pacific Theater that remembers the raw deal forced upon the Japanese-Americans and how utterly magnificent they were in the performance of their duties while serving in the U.S. military; they were
"'the most decorated, worst hit group in American uniform.' Of the 100th[Battalion's] original combat officers, only one survives Major Mitsugusi Fekuda, of Honolulu... In one rifle company (normal strength 208 men) there were 380 casualties. The Nisei altogether won 1,017 decorations in combat, an all-time record in U.S. Army history".
Two informative paragraphs addressed their justified pessimism in regards to the life that stood before them upon demobilization and the petty acts of racism that were perpetrated by the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Click here to read more articles about the Japanese-Americans who served in the U.S military during the Second World War.
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