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On the attached PDF you will learn that bad taste is not simply relegated to our own time, but has haunted the sons of Adam since he took up residence on that cheap realty situated just east of Eden. Herein you will find notes and drawings that were set forth by the fashion editors of Vanity Fair magazine regarding the essential rules of masculine attire in the early Twentieth Century:

"Vanity Fair believes the time has come to describe in the pages of the Well Dressed Man Department, some of the things which are not correct to wear as well as those which meet the dictates of good taste. On these pages, therefore, will be found sketches and descriptions of some of the Don'ts as well as some of the Do's of dress."

Click here to get a sense of men's slow and subtle slide from appropriate business attire in the office to slovenly sportswear.

Click here to read more articles about 1940s fashion models.

Click here to read about the fashion legacy of W.W. I...

To read about one of the fashion legacies of W.W. II, click here...

Click here to read about the origins of the T-shirt.


The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

The Well Dressed Man Confronts Bad Taste  (Vanity Fair Magazine, 1918)

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