Attached is a 1935 magazine article that reported on the socialist remedies Nazi Germany relied upon to eradicate the age-old tension between labor and management:
"A Socialist Workers' Government has achieved a workers revolution in Germany without resorting to, tho in some respects it approximates, Communism. Adolf Hitler has done it by wiping out all class privileges and class distinction, but the economics foundation of property rights and private capital has been left almost intact - for the present time."
"The Third Reich, under Hitler, has wiped out corporate trade-unionism by forcing all workers to join one great government union, the National Socialist Union of Employers and Workers..."
This was an idea borrowed from Fascist Italy and you can read about it here. In the years to come, Hitler would do away with labor unions entirely.
Hitler's economist admitted the German economy was socialist - more about that can be read here ...
- from Amazon:

Click here to read more of the insider musings of Fritz Thyssen...
Click here to read more about Robert Ley.
Read an Article About the Socialist Aspects of Hitler's Book, "Mein Kampf".
During the summer of 1938 the Nazis allowed one of their photo journalists out of the Fatherland to wander the highways and byways of the United States. This is what he saw...