STAGE MAGAZINE doled out the kudos for the alpha-males at Warner brother's for being in possession of the moral fiber needed to release the first anti-Nazi feature film in Hollywood: Confessions of a Nazi Spy
"The Warner Brothers are about to release Confessions of a Nazi Spy. It is natural and most commendable that it should be the Warners. They have led, with but one or two exceptions, every significant film trend in America. They introduced sound ('The Jazz Singer'); they were the first to dramatize realistically the biographical film ('Disraeli'); they were the first to make him heel ('The Public Enemy'). They were the first to introduce the film musical ('42nd Street') and the first to glorify the F.B.I. ('G-Men'). Now they are the first to talk back to an internationally despised despot."
Once it seemed safe, the Three Stooges released "You Nazty Spy!" six months later.
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