Old Magazine Articles

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Anti-Suffrage Opinion
Supported by Science

• Current Opinion Magazine, 1912 •

Here is a magazine article concerning the well respected British bacteriologist and immunologist Sir Almroth Wright (1861 - 1947) and his belief that women should be denied the vote. Using his scientific training, Wright believed that women, due to their flawed natures, were deprived of a proper sense of reasoning, that they were endowed with an inability to keep subjects within a suitable perspective and prone to hypersensitivity.

One year after this article appeared, his scientific findings on this topic were published in his book, The Unexpurgated Case Against Woman Suffrage.

Read this magazine article concerning how the flappers changed the sexual landscape of the Twenties.

Read Article: http://oldmagazinearticles.com/Anti-Suffrage_opinions_of_Sir_Almroth_Wright-pdf

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